2013 Accountability Ratings

** Click here for List of Accountability Ratings **

Accountability Reports. From this site you may access the accountability summaries and data tables for campuses or districts. These show each campus or district's accountability rating and the information used to determine those ratings. Performance information is also available at the region level and the state level.

Explanatory Materials

Explanation of Summary Report describes the different sections of the summary report (PDF).

Overview of 2013 State Accountability System (Powerpoint presentation)

One-Page Overview of Performance Index Framework This one-page summary provides a description and visual overview of the performance indices for 2013 and 2014.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the new accountability system

Accountability manual explains how accountability ratings were assigned to schools and districts in 2013.

2012 Indicators Report shows performance on the STAAR in 2012. The accompanying training packet describes how the performance indices are constructed.

Accountability System for 2013 and Beyond Technical Description. This document was available prior to the accountability manual. It contains some detailed information not included in the manual.

2013 Small Numbers Analysis Flowcharts. Small numbers analysis is used when the accountability results do not meet the minimum size requirements for the performance index. These flowcharts describe the process and methodology for combining current year and prior year results to determine the performance index outcomes for small districts and campuses.

The following links provide accountability ratings for all ESC regions, districts, and campuses from several different perspectives and provide additional information related to the ratings.

All Ratings in State shows ratings for all districts, campuses, and charters.

All Districts by Rating shows ratings for all the campuses within a district as well as the district's rating.

All Campuses by Rating shows ratings for all campuses by rating.

All Campuses by Rating and School Type shows ratings for campuses by school type. For example you may find all high schools in the state rated Improvement Required or all elementary schools rated Met Standard.

Distinction Designations shows campuses receiving one or more distinction designation. Also available are lists of campuses receiving distinctions for:

Ratings by ESC Region shows ratings for all districts and campuses by Education Service Center region.

Ratings by Charter shows ratings for all charters.

The State Summary provides tables that detail statewide accountability ratings and distinction designations by district, campus, charter, and school type.

The Campus Comparison Group report provides the campus comparison group used for determining distinction designations.

Data Download. Select this option to download accountability data in an Excel spreadsheet or in ASCII format.

See the Highlights document (a PDF download) for more information on the statewide impact of the 2013 accountability ratings. For a list of districts and campuses rated Improvement Required for one or more consecutive years, go to the Multi-Year Improvement Required List (a PDF download).

Alternative Education Accountability (AEA)

Ratings by AEA shows ratings for campuses and districts rated using the alternative education accountability procedures.

2013 Final AEA Campus List contains the AECs that will be evaluated under AEA provisions in 2013.

2013 Final AEA Charter Operator List contains the charter operators that will be evaluated under AEA provisions in 2013.

Other Information:

Explanation of Masking Rules. The values shown may be masked to be in compliance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools, 2011–12. TEA prepares an annual report on dropouts, graduates, and other completers in Texas public schools. This report includes summaries of the annual dropout rate, longitudinal secondary school completion/student status rates, and state attrition rates.

2013 Accountability Development Materials. This site contains documentation from meetings held by advisory groups during 2012 and 2013 working on the new accountability system.

Ratings were updated on November 7, 2013. Ratings for 2013 are now final.

This page last updated November 7, 2013