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Grade 9 Four-Year Longitudinal Graduation and Dropout Rates,
by Program Participation and Student Characteristic,
Texas Public Schools, Class of 2016

          Graduated             Continued           Received GED         Dropped out         or received GED
Group Class Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%)
At-risk 150,574 125,750 83.5 10,586 7.0 893 0.6 13,345 8.9 137,229 91.1
Bilingual or English as a second language 17,338 12,838 74.0 1,886 10.9 29 0.2 2,585 14.9 14,753 85.1
Career and technical education 160,238 153,176 95.6 2,449 1.5 303 0.2 4,310 2.7 155,928 97.3
English language learner in Grades 9-12 27,110 19,974 73.7 2,956 10.9 61 0.2 4,119 15.2 22,991 84.8
English language learner in last year 19,715 14,058 71.3 1,972 10.0 43 0.2 3,642 18.5 16,073 81.5
Gifted and talented 31,486 31,184 99.0 67 0.2 62 0.2 173 0.5 31,313 99.5
Homeless in Grades 9-12 15,126 11,043 73.0 1,537 10.2 122 0.8 2,424 16.0 12,702 84.0
Immigrant 3,528 2,565 72.7 331 9.4 3 0.1 629 17.8 2,899 82.2
Migrant 2,421 2,037 84.1 107 4.4 10 0.4 267 11.0 2,154 89.0
Special education 29,071 22,637 77.9 3,379 11.6 76 0.3 2,979 10.2 26,092 89.8
Title I 151,919 131,618 86.6 6,267 4.1 865 0.6 13,169 8.7 138,750 91.3

Note. A dot (.) indicates there were no students in the group.

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For questions or comments, please e-mail the Division of Research and Analysis, or contact the division by phone at 512-475-3523.
This page last updated August 2017
Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 2007-2017