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Grade 9 Four-Year Longitudinal Graduation and Dropout Rates,
by Race/Ethnicity, Economic Status, and Gender,
Texas Public Schools, Class of 2016

          Graduated             Continued           Received GED         Dropped out         or received GED
Group Class Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%) Number Rate (%)
African American 46,151 39,404 85.4 2,336 5.1 200 0.4 4,211 9.1 41,940 90.9
American Indian 1,395 1,219 87.4 62 4.4 8 0.6 106 7.6 1,289 92.4
Asian 13,781 13,188 95.7 309 2.2 5 <0.1 279 2.0 13,502 98.0
Hispanic 173,265 150,564 86.9 8,985 5.2 729 0.4 12,987 7.5 160,278 92.5
Pacific Islander 476 419 88.0 27 5.7 3 0.6 27 5.7 449 94.3
White 109,346 102,120 93.4 2,804 2.6 719 0.7 3,703 3.4 105,643 96.6
Multiracial 6,270 5,691 90.8 239 3.8 43 0.7 297 4.7 5,973 95.3
Economically disadvantaged 178,148 153,120 86.0 9,009 5.1 934 0.5 15,085 8.5 163,063 91.5
Female 171,633 156,924 91.4 5,569 3.2 577 0.3 8,563 5.0 163,070 95.0
Male 179,051 155,681 86.9 9,193 5.1 1,130 0.6 13,047 7.3 166,004 92.7

Note. A dot (.) indicates there were no students in the group.

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This page last updated August 2017
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