Glossary of Terms

Browse the glossary using this index:  %–C       D–L       M–Z

% Completed and Enrolled: Graduates who earned a 4-year degree, 2-year degree, level I or II certificate, and/or an industry-based certification and are currently enrolled in another postsecondary program.

% Completed: Graduates who earned a 4-year degree, 2-year degree, level I or II certificate and/or an industry-based certification.

% Enrolled: Graduates who are currently enrolled in a 4-year degree, 2-year degree, and/or a level I or II certificate or industry-based certification program.

% Leaver: Graduates who were enrolled in a 4-year degree, 2-year degree, level I or II certificate and/or an industry-based certification program but are no longer enrolled in any postsecondary program.

% Not Located: Graduates who could not be located as enrolled in a 4-year degree, 2-year degree, level I or II certificate, or an industry-based certification program.

4-Year (Postsecondary Outcomes Tool only): Cohort of students 4 years after graduation.

4-Year Graduation Rate: The four-year graduation rate follows a cohort of first-time students in grade 9 through their expected graduation three years later.

5-Year (Postsecondary Outcomes Tool only): Cohort of students 5 years after graduation.

5-Year Graduation Rate: The five-year graduation rate follows the same cohort of students as the four-year graduation rate for one additional year.

6-Year (Postsecondary Outcomes Tool only): Cohort of students 6 years after graduation.

6-Year Graduation Rate: The six-year graduation rate follows the same cohort of students as the four-year graduation rate for two additional years.

Academic Growth: Scaled score earned in the Academic Growth sub-domain.

Accountability Grade: Accountability rating received by a campus or district. This shows how well this campus or district prepared students for success, both in school and after in college, a career, or the military.

*Given the impact of COVID-19, all districts and campuses received a label of Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for their 2020 and 2021 accountability ratings.

Alternative Education: Campuses identified as providing an alternative education program.

AP/IB Examination: Annual graduates earning a 3 or more on an AP examination or a 4 or more on an IB examination.

Approaches or Above: Performance level that shows the student has some knowledge of course content but may be missing critical elements – these students may need additional support in the coming year. For additional information about STAAR performance levels click here.

Associate Degree: Annual graduates earning an associate degree prior to graduating from high school.

Attendance Rate: The percentage of days that students were present based on student attendance for the entire school year. The attendance rate is calculated as:

total number of days that students were present for the school year
total number of days that students were in membership for the school year

Average Teacher Experience:
The average number of completed years of professional experience, regardless of district.

Closing the Gaps Score: Scaled score earned in the Closing the Gaps domain.

CCMR Rate: The percentage of annual graduates who demonstrated college, career, or military readiness by meeting at least one of the criteria described in Chapter 2 of the accountability manual for corresponding academic year. The CCMR rate is calculated as:

total number of annual graduates demonstrating college, career, or military readiness
total number of annual graduates

Cont Enroll: For grades 4–12, a student is identified as continuously enrolled if the student was enrolled in the district on the October snapshot during the current school year and each of the three preceding years. For grade 3, a student is identified as continuously enrolled if the student was enrolled in the same district on the current year October snapshot and each of the preceding two years.

If the enrollment requirement is not met, then the student is considered non-continuously enrolled.

Count Enroll: Students reported as enrolled as of the last Friday in October (PEIMS snapshot).

CTE Coherent Sequence and Coursework Aligned with IBC: Annual graduates completing and receiving credit for at least one CTE course aligned with an industry-based certification (IBC). The list of CTE courses aligned with industry-based certifications are provided in Chapter 2 of the accountability manual for corresponding academic year.

Did Not Meet: Performance level that shows a lack of basic understanding of course content – these students need significant support in the coming year. For additional information about STAAR performance levels click here.

Dropout Rate: Students who were enrolled in public school in grades 9–12, did not return to public school the following fall, were not expelled, and did not: graduate, receive a Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE), continue school outside the public school system, begin college, or die.

Dual Course Credits: Annual graduates completing and earning credit for at least three credit hours in ELA or mathematics or at least nine credit hours in any subject.

Eco Disadv: Students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch or other public assistance as reported on the PEIMS October snapshot.

ELA Earned Credit for a College Prep Course: Annual graduates completing and earning credit for an ELA college prep course, as defined by Texas Education Code §28.014.

ELA Met ACT Criteria: Annual graduates achieving an English score of at least 19 and a composite score of at least 23.

ELA Met SAT Criteria: Annual graduates achieving an Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of at least 480.

ELA Met TSI Criteria for at Least One Indicator: Annual graduates meeting the TSI college readiness criteria by completing a college prep course in ELA/reading or meeting standards on the TSIA, SAT, or ACT.

English Learner: Students whose primary language is not English and are in the process of acquiring English.

Current English Learner: A student is identified as current EL if the student is reported as Limited English Proficient (LEP) in TSDS PEIMS, TELPAS, or STAAR answer documents.

Monitored English Learner: A student is identified as monitored EL if the student is reported in TSDS PEIMs or on STAAR answer documents as having met the criteria for exiting a bilingual/ESL program and is being monitored as required by 19 Texas Administrative Code, §89.1220(l).

Enrollment Bands: Bucketed enrollment counts ranging from 0–249 to 2,500+.

EOC Re-Test: Students who took an end-of-course (EOC) assessment before the current cycle and qualified to re-test . A district may retest a student who achieves the Did Not Meet or Approaches Grade Level standard on an English I EOC assessment or an Algebra I EOC assessment in order to provide an opportunity for the student to achieve the Meets Grade Level or Masters Grade Level standard only under the following conditions:

  • the student first takes the EOC during the December administration; and 
  • the student is in ninth grade; 
  • the student retakes the EOC during the spring administration immediately following the December administration during which the student first took the assessment. 

Ever HS EL: Students reported in TSDS PEIMS as ELs at any time while attending grades 9–12 in a Texas public school.

Expenditures per Student: The fiscal years operating expenditures amounts allocated by the baseline count of students in membership count.  Student membership counts are determined annually on the last day of October which is known as the official TEA snapshot date.

Foundation HS (DLA): Students graduating under the Foundation HS Distinguished Level of Achievement program. For additional information about graduation programs click here.

Foundation HS (Endorsement): Students graduating under the Foundation HS program with an endorsement. For additional information about graduation programs click here.

Foundation HS (No Endorsement): Students graduating under the Foundation HS program without an endorsement. For additional information about graduation programs click here.

Graduate with Completed IEP and Workforce Readiness: Annual graduates who received a graduation type code of 04, 05, 54, or 55.

Industry-based certifications (IBC): Annual graduates earning an industry-based certification. Industry-based certifications for 2018 can be found here and for 2019 and 2020 here.

Masters: Performance level that shows mastery of the course content – these students are on track for college and career readiness. For additional information about STAAR performance levels click here.

Math Earned Credit for a College Prep Course: Annual graduates completing and earning credit for mathematics college prep course, as defined by Texas Education Code §28.014.

Math Met ACT Criteria: Annual graduates achieving a math score of at least 19 and a composite score of at least 23.

Math Met SAT Criteria:  Annual graduates achieving a math score of at least 530.

Math Met TSI Criteria for at Least One Indicator: Annual graduates meeting the TSI college readiness criteria by completing a college prep course in math or meeting standards on the TSIA, SAT, or ACT.

Meets or Above: Performance level that shows strong knowledge of course content – these students are prepared to progress to the next grade. For additional information about STAAR performance levels click here.

Met Non-CTE Criteria: An annual graduate meets the non-CTE criteria if they complete any one of the other CCMR indicators. See Chapter 2 of the accountability manual for corresponding academic year for a list of CCMR indicators.

Met TSI Criteria in both ELA/Reading and Mathematics: Annual graduates meeting TSI criteria in both ELA/reading and mathematics.

Minimum HS: Students graduating under the Minimum HS program. For additional information about graduation programs click here.

Mobility Rate: Students who have been in membership for less than 83 percent of the school year (i.e., missed six or more weeks).

Non-Continuously Enrolled: For grades 4–12, a student is identified as non-continuously enrolled if the student was not enrolled in the district on the October snapshot during the current school year and each of the three preceding years. For grade 3, a student is identified as non-continuously enrolled if the student was not enrolled in the same district on the current year October snapshot and each of the preceding two years.

Race/Ethnicity: Students identified as African American, Hispanic, white, American Indian, Asian, Pacific Islander, or two or more races through TSDS PEIMS. Unknown indicates that a race/ethnicity was not reported in TSDS PEIMS.

Recommended HS / DAP: Students graduating under the Recommended HS program or Distinguished Achievement Program. For additional information about graduation programs click here.

Relative Performance: Scaled score earned on the Relative Performance sub-domain.

School Type: A specific label given to a campus for the purposes of determining its domain targets. The label a campus receives–elementary, middle school, elementary/secondary, or high school–is determined by the grades served by the campus as reported in the October PEIMS snapshot.

Special Ed (Current): Students who receive special instruction and related developmental, corrective, supportive, or evaluative services for the current school year as reported in TSDS PEIMS or on STAAR answer documents.

Special Ed (Former): A student is identified as formerly receiving special education services if in any of the preceding three years, they were reported in TSDS PEIMS as receiving special instruction and related developmental, corrective, supportive, or evaluative services, but in the current year, as reported through TSDS PEIMS or on STAAR answer documents, are no longer participating in a special education program.

Special Ed (Graduation Tool only): Students served by special education at the time of graduation.

Special Ed (Never): Students who have never received special education services.

Students Who Grew Academically: Final score representing the percentage of students achieving at least one year’s worth of academic growth.

Test Language: The language in which the assessment was administered (English and Spanish only).

Test Version: Assessment tested, such as STAAR or STAAR Alt 2.

Total credit for CCMR Criteria: Annual graduates earning CCMR credit by meeting one or more CCMR criteria. See Chapter 2 Chapter 2 of the accountability manual for corresponding academic year for a list of CCMR indicators.

U.S. Armed Forces: Annual graduates enlisting in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marines.