2009–10 Academic Excellence Indicator System
From this website you can access AEIS reports for campuses, districts, regions, and the state for the 2009–10 school year. The reports are available as downloadable PDF or HTML files.
For help in downloading and printing PDF reports, please refer to our Help page.
The AEIS Glossary, updated annually, describes each item on the report. It provides the methodology for calculating the values on the report and clearly states the source of the data. A Spanish translation, the AEIS Glosario, is also available as a PDF download.
Comparable Improvement reports are available at the campus level. They show the campus comparison group, as well as how much the campus performance on TAKS reading/ELA and mathematics has changed from one year to the next.
You may download data files in an Excel format or a delimited ASCII format for all data or for specific subsets.
Click on the Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools, 2008–09 to access additional information about dropout and completion rates for 2008–09.
TEA also publishes the 2009–10 School Report Card for every campus. The SRC provides a small subset of the information available in the AEIS reports. Campuses are required to provide a copy of their School Report Card to the parent or guardian of each student.