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Frequently Asked Questions About the Adequate Yearly Progress System

(Last updated August 8, 2012)

FAQ - Web Products

Assessments used in AYP (Updated for 2012 AYP)

  1. What test results are included in AYP?
  2. How are assessment results from the first and second administrations for students with Student Success Initiative (SSI) requirements used in AYP?
  3. Are the Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) results used in AYP?
  4. What is the latest information regarding Science Assessments in AYP?
  5.  Does the special provisions for unschooled English Language Learners (ELL) asylees and refugees apply to AYP?

Assessments used in AYP

1. What test results are included in AYP?

With the implementation of the new assessment program, the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), in 2012, AYP evaluates STAAR assessment results for students enrolled in Grades 3-8 and TAKS results for students in Grade 10. STAAR end-of-course (EOC) assessments are used for middle school students in Grade 8 or below taking high school level courses. Below are the assessments included for evaluation of AYP (see the AYP Guide for detail of the use of each assessment in determining AYP):

Assessment and Performance Standards for 2011-2012 AYP Evaluations

Assessment Performance Standard
Planned for AYP Calculations
STAAR (English and Spanish)
reading and mathematics*
Bridged to TAKS Met Standard
STAAR Modified reading and
Bridged to TAKS-M Met Standard
STAAR Alternate reading and
Bridged to TAKS-Alt Met Standard
STAAR EOC English I reading and
Algebra I*
Bridged to TAKS Met Standard
for grade 9 reading and mathematics
STAAR Modified EOC English I
reading and Algebra I
No Standard Available - performance
results not included in AYP. Students
counted as participants only.
STAAR EOC English II reading,
Geometry and Algebra II*
STAAR Phase-in Standard**
STAAR Modified EOC English II
reading and Geometry
Not operational / results not
included in AYP
TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated)
ELA and mathematics*
TAKS Met Standard
TAKS-M ELA and mathematics*
TAKS-M Met Standard
STAAR Alternate EOC English I and
Algebra I
Bridged to TAKS-Alt Met Standard for
grade 9 reading and mathematics
STAAR Alternate EOC English II and
Bridged to TAKS-Alt Met Standard for
grade 10 reading and mathematics
                  *   Includes linguistically accommodated assessments, where applicable
                **   A small number of students in middle school grades enrolled in high school courses
                      are required to meet the STAAR phase-in standard to satisfy their
                      End-of-Course testing requirements for graduation.

Upon approval of the USDE, Texas will use the assessments above to evaluate 2012 AYP.

2. How are assessment results from the first and second administrations for students with Student Success Initiative (SSI) requirements be used in AYP?

AYP calculations include all Reading and Mathematics test results, including STAAR and TAKS Reading and Mathematics results in the Student Success Initiative (SSI) grades. Students in grades 5 and 8 who meet their SSI requirements in either the first or second administration by passing these assessments are counted as proficient in the AYP Reading or Mathematics calculations. Students who meet the participation criteria for the STAAR Alternate assessment are not subject to SSI requirements.

For school year 2011-12 only, students taking STAAR or STAAR Modified were not subject to SSI requirements since there were no performance standards in place for the new STAAR assessments.

3. Are the Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) results used in AYP?

Grades 3–8 Students taking STAAR Assessments: All students taking STAAR assessments are allowed to use appropriate linguistic accommodations as determined by their Language Proficiency Assessment Committees. The STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate assessments are subject to the federal cap.

Grade 10 Students taking TAKS and TAKS-M LAT Assessments: Yes, the Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) of the Reading/ELA and Mathematics TAKS tests are used to evaluate AYP results. The LAT administrations of the Reading/ELA and Mathematics TAKS-Modified are used to evaluate AYP, and they are subject to the federal cap.

4. What is the latest information regarding Science Assessments in AYP?

Under the NCLB Act, all states are currently required to assess students in science during the school year. However, the statute does not require that the science assessment results be used for calculating AYP.

5. Does the special provisions for unschooled English Language Learners (ELL) asylees and refugees apply to AYP?

No, the special provisions for unschooled asylees and refugees does not apply to test results used for federal AYP accountability. State legislation passed in 2009 added special provisions for unschooled ELL asylees and refugees who meet test eligibility criteria but are not yet in their sixth school year of enrollment in U.S. schools. If they meet test eligibility requirements, these students must take the state assessments but may be provided allowable linguistic accommodations in the applicable grades and subjects. As part of the special provisions for these students, their assessment results are not used in determining state accountability ratings. However, the performance on state assessments of recent immigrant ELLs (including students identified as unschooled refugees/asylees) is federally required to be included in district and campus AYP evaluations after the students' first school year of enrollment in U.S. schools.


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