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Annual Dropout Rates, by Grade Span, 2005-06,
Texas Public Schools

Grade span Dropouts Students Rate (%)
Grades 7-8 3,038 698,477 0.4
Grades 9-12 48,803 1,317,993 3.7
Grades 7-12 51,841 2,016,470 2.6

Note. A dash (-) indicates data are not reported to protect student anonymity. When the number of dropouts is not reported, the total number of students is presented in intervals of 15 to provide a general idea of the number of students in the group while maintaining student anonymity. In a group of <150, for example, the number of students is between 135 and 149. A dot (.) indicates there were no students in the group or, in rare cases, that a reporting anomaly prevented calculation of the rate.

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For questions or comments, please e-mail the Division of Research and Analysis, or contact the division by phone at 512-475-3523.
This page last updated August 23, 2007
Copyright Texas Education Agency (TEA) 2007-2011