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Home > Performance Reporting > Texas Consolidated School Rating Report > Texas Consolidated School Rating Report
Use the options below to access the Texas Consolidated School Rating Report for any district or charter. The report will include the academic accountability rating, distinction designations earned (if any), School FIRST rating (district level only), and the Community and Student Engagement ratings for a district and all of its campuses. Downloading the All Districts/Campuses report in Excel will allow a user to sort and filter the data.
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District Report All Districts/Campuses Report
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District Name (full or partial name) District Number District by County Name (full or partial name) District by Region Number
Enter the appropriate name or number:
When entering the district name, do not include the type of district (ISD, CISD). For example, enter Houston, not Houston ISD. When entering the county name, do not include the word county. When entering the region number, use two digits. For example, enter 03 for region 3. Do not use commas, apostrophes, periods or other symbols when entering text, as this may result in an error. Enter name or number:
When entering the district name, do not include the type of district (ISD, CISD). For example, enter Houston, not Houston ISD. When entering the county name, do not include the word county. When entering the region number, use two digits. For example, enter 03 for region 3. Do not use commas, apostrophes, periods or other symbols when entering text, as this may result in an error.
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Click on the View Report button below to see your selected report. Note it is recommended that you select the Landscape Orientation before printing the page.
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