Additional Download Information
(Selected Data Download)

Student Groups Available for STAAR Assessment Data
    New naming convention layout starting in 2018 (STAAR Only).
     2nd position: (D) Domain or (N) New
     3rd position: Student Group

  • Primary Student Groups (2nd & 3rd position):
    All Students (DA), African American (DB), Hispanic (DH), White (DW), American Indian (DI), Asian (D3), Pacific Islander (D4), Two or More Races (D2), Current Special Ed (DS), Former Special Ed (NS), Continuously Enrolled (NC), Non-Continuously Enrolled (NM), Economically Disadvantaged (DE), Current & Monitored EB/EL (D0), Current EB/EL (DL), At-Risk (DR), Male (DM), Female (DF)
  • Additional Student Groups (2nd & 3rd position):
    Non-Special Ed (D6), Non-Econ Disadv (DN), Non-At-Risk (D7), Migrant (DG), Non-Migrant (D9), 1st Year Monitored EB/EL (DO), 2nd Year Monitored EB/EL (DP), Non-EB/EL (D8), LEP w/Services (D5)
  • BE/ESL Student Groups (2nd & 3rd position): Total Bilingual Education (DU), Transitional Bilingual/Early Exit (DJ), Transitional Bilingual/Late Exit (DK), Dual Language Immersion/Two-Way (DQ), Dual Language Immersion/One-Way (DT), ALP Bilingual (Exception) (NB), Total ESL (DC), ESL/Content-Based (DX), ESL/Pull-Out (DY), ALP ESL (Waiver) (NE), EB/EL with Parental Denial (DZ), Monitored & Former EB/EL (NT)
  • Student Groups (last position):
    Numerator (N), Denominator (D), Rate (R)

Student Groups Available for Postsecondary, Attendance, and Graduation Data

  • Student Groups (2nd position): All Students (A), African American (B), Hispanic (H), White (W), American Indian (I), Asian (3), Pacific Islander (4), Two or More Races (2), Special Ed (S), Economically Disadvantaged (E), EB/EL (L), At-Risk (R), Male (M), Female (F)

Download Formats:

  • Excel (.xlsx) - The xlsx download is available for selected subsets of campus and district data. It's also available for region and state downloads.
  • Excel (.xls) - The xls download is available for the whole state download of campus and district data. Note that a warning message may appear. Simply click "yes" to open file. Downloading the district and campus aggregates for the whole state using the Excel format will take extra time due to the large file size.
  • Comma-Delimited (.csv) - The csv download opens in Excel. (Faster than the Excel download).
  • Tab-Delimited (.dat)

  • Note: Download (.dat) files must be saved then imported into database application such as Excel.

Data Elements:

Most data elements are grouped logically. For example, when selecting "4-Year Longitudinal Rate - Graduated, 2019" a group of 15 variables will be included in the downloaded data. The data element or variable name is on the first row of the downloaded file.

ID Number for Campus, District or Region:

All campus, district and or region downloads have as the first column the ID number. This number must be treated as text because some applications will delete leading zeroes. For this reason, the Excel download (.xls) includes a single quote: ' in front of the ID number. This informs the application that the number should be treated as text. Note that if the ' is deleted, Excel will not show the leading zeroes.

The comma-delimited and tab-delimited (.dat) downloads do not include the single quote in front of the ID number.

Column Names and Description:

Go to the Master Reference for Data Elements Used in TAPR for a detailed description of the downloaded elements. The TAPR Data Dictionary provides a mockup of the report with each cell labeled according to the download.


Slow Download Time and Errors:

If you receive an incomplete download or an error message, it may be that the download took too long. Due to high activity and some resource issues, the downloads have been much slower in the early afternoon than in the morning or evening. You may wish to try your download during non-peak times.The comma-delimited and tab-delimited downloads use less resources than the Excel download and are less likely to time out during peak times.

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