Methodology for Identifying Schools on the 2000-2001 PEG List

Schools are included on the list if:

1) less than 50 percent of the students passed:

a) any reading, writing or mathematics test on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS), summed across the grades tested at the school

b) in any two of the three years: 1997, 1998, or 1999

[This analysis was based on all students tested; performance of student groups was not examined.]


2) the school was rated Low-Performing in either 1997, 1998, or 1999.


· Alternative education schools, schools with fewer than five students tested on TAAS, charter schools, and schools with no TAAS data (i.e., schools which are paired for accountability purposes) were excluded from the list.

· The TAAS results were those used in the accountability system, which are based on the non-special education students tested in grades 3 – 8 and 10, in reading, mathematics, and writing; special education students tested in grades 3 – 8 and 10, in reading, mathematics, and writing, and; students tested on Spanish TAAS in grades 3 and 4, in reading and mathematics. Only students who were enrolled in the district in late October are included for accountability ratings purposes.

· Accountability ratings are determined by evaluating performance on three indicators: TAAS results, the annual dropout rate, and the annual attendance rate. Therefore, a campus could receive the Low-performing rating even though TAAS performance may have been above the minimally acceptable standard.