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Home > Performance Reporting > Federal Report Cards > 2018–19 Federal Report Card
From this site you may access reports associated with the 2018–19 Federal School Report Card. For additional information please see the Title I, Part A webpage.
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Campus Report District Report State Report
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Campus Name (full or partial name) Campus Number Campus by District Name (full or partial name) Campus by County Name (full or partial name) Campus by Region Number
District Name (full or partial name) District Number District by County Name (full or partial name) District by Region Number
Enter the appropriate name or number:
When entering the school name, do not include the type of school (EL, JR, HS). For example, enter Travis, not Travis EL. When entering the district name, do not include the type of district (ISD, CISD). For example, enter Houston, not Houston ISD. When entering the region number, use two digits. For example, enter 03 for region 3. When entering the county name, do not include the word county. Do not use commas, apostrophes, periods or other symbols when entering text, as this may result in an error. Enter name or number:
When entering the school name, do not include the type of school (EL, JR, HS). For example, enter Travis, not Travis EL. When entering the district name, do not include the type of district (ISD, CISD). For example, enter Houston, not Houston ISD. When entering the region number, use two digits. For example, enter 03 for region 3. When entering the county name, do not include the word county. Do not use commas, apostrophes, periods or other symbols when entering text, as this may result in an error.
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Click on the View Report button below to view the report.
FRC Definitions | Federal Report Card | Performance Reporting