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2004-05 AEIS State Report
Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers in PDF Format   T E X A S  E D U C A T I O N  A G E N C Y                                 Section I - Page 1
                                                        Division of Performance Reporting
                                                       Academic Excellence Indicator System
                                                         2004-05 State Performance Report

                                 African                          Native      Asian/                         Special      Econ                    At
Indicator:             State    American    Hispanic    White    American   Pacific Is   Male      Female      Ed        Disad        LEP        Risk

Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers
Percent Passing TAKS in 2005

Grade 4
  Reading       2005     10%         9%         9%        18%          *        27%         9%        12%        10%         9%         8%         9%
                2004     19%        21%        17%        30%          *        19%        18%        21%        25%        19%        18%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     26%        22%        25%        34%        24%        44%        27%        26%        23%        24%        24%        26%
                2004     36%        34%        36%        44%        36%        50%        38%        36%        32%        35%        34%        n/a

Grade 5
  Reading       2005     44%        39%        41%        58%        53%        53%        46%        42%        40%        40%        37%        44%
                2004     28%        27%        25%        38%        31%        39%        28%        28%        26%        25%        21%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     47%        40%        46%        58%        52%        60%        48%        46%        44%        44%        40%        47%
                2004     31%        27%        30%        38%        31%        43%        31%        31%        28%        29%        25%        n/a

Grade 6
  Reading       2005     53%        48%        51%        60%        55%        69%        50%        56%        48%        50%        45%        52%
                2004     56%        55%        51%        68%        66%        68%        54%        58%        54%        52%        42%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     24%        20%        22%        31%        30%        44%        23%        24%        21%        22%        18%        24%
                2004     28%        24%        26%        38%        38%        40%        29%        28%        26%        25%        21%        n/a

Grade 7
  Reading       2005     31%        29%        29%        42%        43%        42%        30%        32%        30%        29%        22%        31%
                2004     36%        31%        35%        42%        45%        45%        32%        40%        30%        34%        26%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     16%        13%        14%        24%        20%        27%        17%        16%        14%        14%         9%        16%
                2004     23%        19%        22%        32%        29%        39%        24%        23%        19%        21%        14%        n/a

Grade 8
  Reading       2005     39%        44%        33%        52%        41%        44%        42%        36%        35%        36%        20%        39%
                2004     50%        50%        47%        60%        54%        65%        52%        47%        49%        47%        36%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     17%        15%        15%        25%        20%        30%        17%        17%        12%        15%         9%        17%
                2004     23%        18%        21%        31%        30%        34%        25%        21%        19%        20%        14%        n/a

Grade 9
  Reading       2005     38%        34%        34%        51%        46%        44%        31%        44%        32%        34%        22%        37%
                2004     42%        41%        39%        53%        58%        49%        41%        44%        40%        39%        28%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     19%        16%        16%        27%        24%        34%        19%        19%        15%        15%         8%        18%
                2004     19%        17%        16%        26%        21%        31%        19%        19%        14%        16%        10%        n/a

Grade 10
  Eng Lang Arts 2005     27%        26%        22%        38%        37%        35%        23%        31%        20%        23%        11%        26%
                2004     35%        36%        30%        47%        42%        42%        33%        38%        24%        30%        17%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     16%        11%        14%        23%        22%        22%        18%        15%        10%        13%         7%        15%
                2004     21%        16%        19%        28%        25%        30%        22%        21%        12%        18%        13%        n/a

Grade 11
  Eng Lang Arts 2005     68%        67%        61%        79%        75%        74%        66%        70%        49%        61%        37%        67%
                2004     68%        65%        62%        76%        70%        68%        65%        72%        45%        61%        40%        n/a
  Mathematics   2005     52%        45%        49%        61%        56%        61%        56%        48%        35%        47%        36%        51%
                2004     54%        48%        52%        61%        58%        61%        56%        53%        36%        50%        42%        n/a

Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers
Average TGI Growth

Grade 4
  Reading       2005    0.51       0.42       0.52       0.58       0.55       0.69       0.49       0.54       0.46       0.49       0.61       0.49
                2004    0.35       0.35       0.32       0.52        *         0.18       0.35       0.35       0.37       0.34       0.39       0.34
  Mathematics   2005    0.30       0.20       0.30       0.42       0.26       0.66       0.29       0.30       0.21       0.26       0.31       0.30
                2004    0.60       0.61       0.58       0.67       0.61       0.87       0.61       0.59       0.52       0.58       0.57       0.60

Grade 5
  Reading       2005    0.62       0.58       0.55       0.90       0.82       0.62       0.71       0.52       0.60       0.55       0.49       0.62
                2004    0.49       0.49       0.43       0.70       0.56       0.70       0.49       0.50       0.44       0.45       0.38       0.48
  Mathematics   2005    0.47       0.40       0.45       0.62       0.60       0.62       0.48       0.46       0.44       0.43       0.37       0.47
                2004    0.52       0.49       0.51       0.59       0.49       0.67       0.52       0.53       0.46       0.51       0.47       0.51

Grade 6
  Reading       2005    0.58       0.53       0.57       0.66       0.68       0.74       0.55       0.62       0.52       0.55       0.58       0.58
                2004    0.45       0.48       0.37       0.64       0.61       0.57       0.45       0.46       0.39       0.40       0.30       0.45
  Mathematics   2005    0.47       0.43       0.45       0.55       0.42       0.78       0.45       0.48       0.39       0.44       0.42       0.46
                2004    0.52       0.49       0.47       0.65       0.55       0.79       0.53       0.50       0.46       0.48       0.44       0.51

Grade 7
  Reading       2005    0.33       0.29       0.30       0.47       0.55       0.55       0.30       0.36       0.32       0.29       0.25       0.32
                2004    0.41       0.32       0.41       0.53       0.57       0.65       0.32       0.51       0.29       0.38       0.29       0.41
  Mathematics   2005    0.40       0.37       0.36       0.53       0.43       0.63       0.40       0.40       0.37       0.36       0.31       0.40
                2004    0.42       0.37       0.39       0.55       0.61       0.70       0.42       0.42       0.36       0.38       0.30       0.41

Grade 8
  Reading       2005    0.54       0.69       0.39       0.83       0.57       0.58       0.65       0.41       0.47       0.45       0.23       0.53
                2004    0.55       0.52       0.47       0.76       0.68       0.76       0.63       0.43       0.55       0.48       0.37       0.54
  Mathematics   2005    0.25       0.23       0.20       0.36       0.22       0.50       0.26       0.23       0.14       0.21       0.17       0.24
                2004    0.28       0.18       0.24       0.45       0.45       0.52       0.34       0.22       0.19       0.23       0.11       0.27

Grade 9
  Reading       2005    0.46       0.36       0.39       0.78       0.96       0.60       0.32       0.61       0.36       0.39       0.18       0.45
                2004    0.46       0.41       0.40       0.68       0.72       0.56       0.45       0.48       0.46       0.40       0.31       0.45
  Mathematics   2005    0.56       0.59       0.52       0.60       0.55       0.82       0.54       0.58       0.57       0.53       0.60       0.56
                2004    0.38       0.37       0.34       0.46       0.26       0.62       0.36       0.40       0.34       0.34       0.35       0.37

Grade 10

  Eng Lang Arts 2005    0.26       0.26       0.16       0.52       0.47       0.43       0.20       0.34       0.11       0.18      -0.04       0.25
                2004    0.55       0.50       0.50       0.72       0.65       0.68       0.53       0.59       0.38       0.49       0.49       0.55
  Mathematics   2005    0.20       0.09       0.18       0.33       0.36       0.35       0.26       0.15       0.08       0.15       0.05       0.19
                2004    0.29       0.20       0.25       0.41       0.40       0.53       0.29       0.29       0.11       0.24       0.20       0.28

Grade 11
  Eng Lang Arts 2005    0.71       0.58       0.47       1.14       1.08       1.01       0.71       0.72       0.22       0.46      -0.04       0.67
                2004    0.60       0.43       0.48       0.81       0.66       0.72       0.55       0.67       0.14       0.43       0.25       0.57
  Mathematics   2005    0.40       0.34       0.36       0.49       0.41       0.48       0.50       0.30       0.26       0.35       0.34       0.39
                2004    0.32       0.22       0.29       0.43       0.39       0.46       0.39       0.25       0.07       0.26       0.21       0.31

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