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2008 AYP District Data Tables

This search will produce an Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) data table for a selected district. These data tables are files saved as Portable Document Formats (PDFs) that are printable from the web browser. The PDFs can also be easily saved to a computer or diskette and printed.

If you do not already have it, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access a PDF report; we recommend the latest version. If you have any difficulties with accessing these reports, please refer to our Technical Help Page.

  1. Report for the District only
    Reports for all Campuses within a selected district

  2. How do you wish to search?

    District Name (full or partial name)
    District Number
    District by County Name (full or partial name)
    District by Region Number

  3. Enter the appropriate name or number:

    When entering the district name, do not include the type of district (ISD, CISD). For example, enter Houston, not Houston ISD.
    When entering the county name, do not include the word "county."
    When entering the region number, use two digits, for example, enter 03 for region 3.

  4. Do not type special characters in the text field, such as an asterisk, comma, symbol, etc. You may receive an error message stating, "This request completed with errors." Click on your back button on your browser to return to the search page and retype your request in the text field.


2008 AYP | AYP Home

Call Performance Reporting at (512) 463-9704 or by email at performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.us with any questions you may have.

This page last updated December 19, 2008

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