Class of 2023 Campus and District Graduation Summaries

What are the campus and district graduation summaries? The campus and district graduation summaries show the graduation status of a beginning group of ninth grade students. First-time Grade 9 students in 2019-20 were tracked through the 2023 fall semester following their expected graduation date in spring 2023.

Graduation summaries are not available for all campuses and districts. Why? Graduation summaries may not be available for some campuses and districts for one of two reasons. First, the agency is required to comply with federal regulations to protect student privacy, or the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the agency does this by not publishing summaries for campuses or districts when the overall count of students is small. Second, campuses and districts have to meet specific grade span criteria (i.e., serve the appropriate grade levels in the number of years necessary to track students) in order to receive a graduation summary for the class of 2023.

How are the graduation summaries related to the four-year graduation rates available elsewhere on TEA's website? Both the graduation summaries and the four-year graduation rates available elsewhere on TEA's website show the number of students from a group of ninth graders who graduated, were still in school, received Texas Certificates of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE), or dropped out. The graduation summaries include additional information: they provide information on the students who transferred into each campus or district and on those who transferred out. Additionally, the four-year graduation rates presented on TEA's website exclude some students from rate calculations whereas no students are excluded from the graduation summaries. As a result, the numbers presented in the graduation summaries may not match the numbers presented in the four-year graduation rate tables. To see a campus's or district's actual graduation rate, use the four-year graduation rates.

Where can I find the four-year graduation rates? The four-year graduation rates can be found on the Completion, Graduation, and Dropout Data page.

When will the class of 2024 graduation summaries be available? The class of 2024 graduation summaries will be available in August of 2025.

Contact Information:
For questions or comments, please e-mail the Division of Research and Analysis, or contact the division by phone at 512-475-3523.
This page last updated August 2024