Class of 2018 Campus Graduation Summary

image - research
This high school summary shows the 2018 graduation status for students who began ninth grade in 2014-15. Small numbers of students are not shown to comply with federal regulations concerning student privacy, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Learn more about these summaries.

Search by Campus

This search produces a summary for a single campus.

Please select one of the following search methods:
Campus Name - Enter the full or partial campus name below. Do not include the type of school (JR, HS). For example, enter Travis, not Travis HS.
Campus Number - Enter the nine-digit campus number below.

Enter your selection below:

Data Download

This Excel (.xlsx) file includes campus graduation summary information for all campuses in the state. The file includes two worksheets that can be accessed using the tabs at the bottom of the workbook. In addition to the dataset, the workbook provides an overview of the data.

Contact Information:
For questions or comments, please e-mail the Division of Research and Analysis, or contact the division by phone at 512-475-3523.
This page last updated August 2019